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Posted by:
Molla Sultana
on 11/6/01 Title:
Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards
Postnum: 26 EntryID:441
I'm looking for information regarding Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Commercial office buildings. I have not been I able to identify any in Canada although we may be looking into the GHG emission standards of California (even in that case, we haven't located them). Please inform me if there are any such standards for Canada. If not, then how would an organization decide on how much to reduce their greenhouse gas emission by? Is there any other standards available regarding Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Your response would be really appreciated.
Posted by:
Richard Clark
on 11/9/01 Title:
Re: Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards
Postnum: 26 EntryID:442
Try=== http://buildings.nrcan.gc.ca/bulletin/cipec.htm Canadian office of energy efficiency 613-992-6131