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Posted by:
Liz Germann
on 1/25/05 Title:
Re: Recycling Issues
Postnum: 296 EntryID:1308
My high school is known for many wonderful things, but one of the things that I particularly am ashamed of is our recycling and reusing habits. Our lunches are served to the students and faculty on foam plates and eaten with plastic silverware. The only thing that we wash and reuse are the plastic trays. I need some advice so that I can changce this or atleast get some plastic recycling bins in our cafeteria. If you have any advice please let me know! Our lunch ladies are very stubborn!
Suffering School Lunch-eater
Posted by:
on 1/31/05 Title:
Re: Re: Recycling Issues
Postnum: 296 EntryID:1310
Hi there, I go to the University of Guelph and I'm part of a club called GSEC Guelph Students for Environmental Change, our "Centre Six" is where we have many restaurants that all used styrofoam containers, plates, bowls, and we got them to change to cardboard, still not great but better....you can recycle styrofoam if clean so maybe even putting up a few bins saying styrofoam recycling, that's what we did and then took the plates and washed it all and recycled it, until they changed. I would like to also use this board to try and find some work for the summer, i need employment, anything environmental or ourdoors will do me...if anyone has any ideas please feel free to let me know thank you Matt
Posted by:
Mike Johnston
on 2/23/05 Title:
Re: Re: Recycling Issues
Postnum: 296 EntryID:1330
I looked into recycling styrofoam and plastic forks at our facility cafeterias. I found that the cleaning issue is a tough one to overcome. Where we did find some daylight was with recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans. The latter we donated to Habitat for Humanity to fund the building of homes for families of limited or non existant means, the former went to a standard recycler.
Mike J.