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Posted by:
on 2/16/05 Title:
Pet waste disposal
Postnum: 299 EntryID:1326
Does any one have any ideas on disposal of pet waste. In my case specifically used cat litter and hamster bedding. Currently I put it all out with the trash, but I would like info on composting the waste. Is it safe to use on flower and veggie gardens? I do compost all my household veggie scraps, etc. but I don't think I have enough quantity to dilute the pet waste to what I would consider acceptable.
I wonder if there an any cities or municipalites that are composting pet wastes and mixing in with other compost to be used on the flower beds and green areas? If there are and there is some good info out there I would suggest it to my City Council. Any info would be appreciated.
Posted by:
on 2/17/05 Title:
Re: Pet waste disposal
Postnum: 299 EntryID:1327
Hi Kim
The city of Toronto does specify that this waste should be diposed of with food wastes put in green bins.
Posted by:
on 5/18/05 Title:
Re: Pet waste disposal
Postnum: 299 EntryID:1388
I would suggest more research there is a lot of discussion if you browse around online as to how to dispose of pet waste. For composting it is felt that because cat and dog feces contains or is likely to contain pathegens it is not recommended to compost it unless you can guarentee that the compost will be hot enough for long enough to kill any pategens. If you have a compost toilet that would probably be a good place for it. And only use it on ornamental plants if you have any concerns of pathegens.