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Posted by:
Ivan Lopez
on 3/15/05 Title:
tires recycling
Postnum: 300 EntryID:1334
I am thinking of starting a tire recycling business in El salvador, Central America. but I know nothing about it , and I want to know were I can buy the machines and the cost just a medium business
If any one has any information please e-mail me
Posted by:
Mike Johnston
on 3/18/05 Title:
Re: tires recycling
Postnum: 300 EntryID:1336
You may want to be more specific as to how you want to recycle the tires. There are several methods ranging from simple shredding for mulch to reformulating into a liner for roads. The end result will dictate the machines required and ultimately the price of a start up.
Mike J.
Posted by:
P Aucoin
on 3/25/05 Title:
Re: tires recycling
Postnum: 300 EntryID:1343
You will probably need at least 15,000 to 20,000 sq ft of building and a lot of land if you want to make rubber granules. Capital investments may vary from $250,000 to 2 millions dollars. Let me know what your ressources are (to my email paucoin@videotron.ca).
Posted by:
Nicolaou Andreas
on 4/19/05 Title:
Re: tires recycling
Postnum: 300 EntryID:1363
Hello Iam going to open a shop to export used tyres and i want to now information about this. Best Regarts Mr Nicolaou Andreas