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Posted by:
on 11/30/01 Title:
PVC Recycling
Postnum: 32 EntryID:461
Does anybody know of a company in the Toronto area that recycles PVC plastic? I have a fairly large stream of waste that I am seeking to recycle.
Posted by:
Michelle Landry
on 1/15/02 Title:
Re: PVC Recycling
Postnum: 32 EntryID:483
I know of a company that may be able to help you.
Imperial Pipe Corp. (416)932-8674
Posted by:
Tribu Persaud
on 1/28/03 Title:
Re: PVC Recycling
Postnum: 32 EntryID:724
We are a Cambridge Ontario Based company who recyles well over 170 million pounds of vinyl per annum into reusable products. We do not broker the material we actually use and recyclce it.
if you'd like please contact me at tribu.persaud@norwichplastics.com or at 519-653-7373 extn. 32