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Posted by:
on 4/3/02 Title:
recycling options
Postnum: 55 EntryID:523
Hi, everybody! Our company is seeking recycling options for: - rigid plastic stripes resulted after unpacking of shipped items. Plastic recycling contractors refused to take it. -foam ear plugs -used plastic safety glasses. Amounts are negligible, however, we strive to divert even this amount from landfilling. We'll appreciate any help and advice. Thank you in advance.
Posted by:
on 4/11/02 Title:
Re: recycling options
Postnum: 55 EntryID:534
Irinia; Try contacting your suppliers. They may be aware of companies that take THEIR scrap from manufacturing of such items. Also, contact the ministry of the environment in your province for advice
Posted by:
Lou at Recycling Matters Inc.
on 5/2/02 Title:
Re: recycling options
Postnum: 55 EntryID:548
My company disposes all types of polyurethane foam in small and large quantities.