Environmental Operations for Governments - Resource Centre, Environment Canada
FiscallyGreen.ca "The purpose of this site is to provide a one-stop shop for information on ecological fiscal reform (EFR) in Canada and around the world."
Idle-Free Zone website, Natural Resources Canada "NRCan has also developed a Web site to provide municipal environmental coordinators and community groups across Canada with the information and tools they need to take action in reducing vehicle idling at the local level. The tool kit section of the Web site includes a special calculator that determines savings from reduced idling. Other resources available include worksheets, games, quizzes and a ready-to-use poster and brochure." (Click Here to view Press Release)
National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure: Innovations and Best Practices
British Columbia
Municipal Pollution Prevention webpage, British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection
Municipal Best Management Practices to Protect Water Quality, British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection
Smart Growth on the Ground The vision for Smart Growth on the Ground is to transform sustainable community design and construction in British Columbia from the exception to the norm.
Manitoba Water Use Efficiency Program Information Bulletin, June 1996
Manitoba Conservation: Water Efficiency Program
Water Efficiency Plans for Towns and Municipalities Information Bulletin, Aug 1998
New Brunswick
Development Officers Reference Manual on Environmental Issues, New Brunswick Department of the Environment and Local Government (NBDOELG)
Environment Canada (Ontario Region) - Federal Programs Division website
Managing the Environment: A Review of Best Practices, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, January 2001 (note:relevant to any government department across Canada) "This report was commissioned by the Government of Ontario from the Executive Resource Group. ERG was asked to provide the government with an independent review of best practices used by other jurisdictions to meet current environmental challenges and execute their various management responsibilities."
Smog Alert - A Municipal Response Guide (pdf format), May 1999, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Smog Alert - A Municipal Resource Kit (pdf format), March 2000, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
J'aime mon environnement, je consomme autrement! "Ce programme de sensibilisation contient des informations générales et des outils concrets. Les représentants municipaux peuvent les utiliser pour inciter leur population à adopter des comportements différents quant à leurs manières de consommer afin de diminuer la quantité de déchets générés."
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