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Green Procurement
c/ Other Articles / Websites
Tips on green building design and a database of products used in homes,commercial buildings and renovations that meet the environmental criteria of at least one eco-labelling program.

'Environmentally Responsible Procurement' (CSA Z766-95), Canadian Standards Association. 2001
This Canadian Standard cannot be viewed online for free, but a pdf version or hard copy can be purchased through this link.

Environmental Reporting Clearinghouse
The site provides an extensive list of environmental reporting resources (including environmental reporting guidelines, awards, legislation etc.), and a list of over 225 corporate environmental websites (available alphabetically and by sector).

Fact Sheet: Eco-Efficiency and Purchasing, Eco-Efficiency Centre

G.I.P.P.E.R's Guide to Environmental Purchasing, October 2002

Green Electricity Buyers' Guide, Friends of the Earth Canada

Manitoba Transportation and Government Services - Green Procurement website

Northwest Territories Public Works and Services - Green Procurement website

Health Care:
Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care

  • Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
  • Health Care Without Harm

  • Green Purchasing

    Be Good as Gold – Buy Green, HealthCare Quarterly article By Trevor Hancock, Spring 2002 issue

    University / Construction / Renovations
    Green Procurement Guidelines at the University of Manitoba, March 2001
    "this project was created with the purpose of developing green procurement guidelines for the construction of new facilities and the renovation of existing facilities at the University of Manitoba. In addition to the guidelines, background information has been provided for those with a general interest in green procurement."


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